Emerge SYNC setting found in make.conf

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Mensaje de advertencia de emerge

!!! SYNC setting found in make.conf.
This setting is Deprecated and no longer used.
 Please ensure your 'sync-type' and 'sync-uri' are set correctly in /etc/portage/repos.conf/gentoo.conf

Desde la version 2.2.16 de portage, el método de sincronización ha cambiado.


cd /usr/portage
mkdir repos.conf
cd repos.conf

En la carpeta creada, creamos el fichero gentoo.conf

location = /usr/portage
sync-type = rsync
sync-uri = rsync://rsync.de.gentoo.org/gentoo-portage
auto-sync = yes

Y del fichero /etc/portage/make.conf eliminamos la entrada SYNC.


--Daniel Simao (Talk) 13:20 19 sep 2015 (UTC)