Ipv6 con broker he.net
Creacion tunnel Ipv6
Creamos el tunnel desde la interfaz de HE https://tunnelbroker.net/
#Tunnel IPv6 HE con tunnel de Paris iptunnel_he6="mode sit remote local ttl 64 dev ppp0" depend_he6="net.ppp0" config_he6="2001:470:1F12:5F2::2/64" routes_he6="default via 2001:470:1F12:5F2::1 dev he6" mtu_he6="1280"
Añadimos el arranque automatico del tunnel
cd /etc/init.d ln -s net.lo net.he6 rc-update add net.he6 default
Revisamos que tenemos conectividad IPv6
ping6 -c 3 -n www.google.com PING www.google.com(2a00:1450:4006:804::2004) 56 data bytes 64 bytes from 2a00:1450:4006:804::2004: icmp_seq=1 ttl=53 time=46.6 ms 64 bytes from 2a00:1450:4006:804::2004: icmp_seq=2 ttl=53 time=47.2 ms 64 bytes from 2a00:1450:4006:804::2004: icmp_seq=3 ttl=53 time=47.1 ms --- www.google.com ping statistics --- 3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2041ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 46.693/47.021/47.248/0.296 ms
Red Interna
Le damos una IP estatica al servidor en /etc/conf.d/net
Comprobamos el ping ping6 -c 3 2001:470:ca84::be9a
PING 2001:470:ca84::be9a(2001:470:ca84::be9a) 56 data bytes 64 bytes from 2001:470:ca84::be9a: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.129 ms 64 bytes from 2001:470:ca84::be9a: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.090 ms 64 bytes from 2001:470:ca84::be9a: icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.090 ms --- 2001:470:ca84::be9a ping statistics --- 3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2000ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.090/0.103/0.129/0.018 ms
Servidor DNS
Le indicamos a nuestro servidor DNS que escuche por la interfaz IPv6, en el ficheros named.conf
listen-on-v6 { ::1; 2001:470:ca84::be9a; };
En el resolv.conf añadimos nuestro servidor
nameserver 2001:470:ca84::be9a
Añadimos el registro AAAA en nuestro dominio
dig axfr luniel.com ; <<>> DiG 9.10.2-P4 <<>> axfr luniel.com ;; global options: +cmd luniel.com. 600 IN SOA vega.luniel.com. hostmaster.luniel.com. 284 43200 3600 1209600 3600 luniel.com. 600 IN NS vega.luniel.com. luniel.com. 600 IN AAAA 2001:470:ca84::be9a vega.luniel.com. 600 IN AAAA 2001:470:ca84::be9a www.luniel.com. 600 IN CNAME vega.luniel.com. luniel.com. 600 IN SOA vega.luniel.com. hostmaster.luniel.com. 284 43200 3600 1209600 3600 ;; Query time: 1 msec ;; SERVER: 2001:470:ca84::be9a#53(2001:470:ca84::be9a) ;; WHEN: Tue Jan 05 13:37:51 CET 2016 ;; XFR size: 20 records (messages 1, bytes 514)
Comprmabos la resolución de nombre
ping6 -c 3 -n vega.luniel.com PING vega.luniel.com(2001:470:ca84::be9a) 56 data bytes 64 bytes from 2001:470:ca84::be9a: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.103 ms 64 bytes from 2001:470:ca84::be9a: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.090 ms 64 bytes from 2001:470:ca84::be9a: icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.091 ms --- vega.luniel.com ping statistics --- 3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 1998ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.090/0.094/0.103/0.012 ms
Configuramos la zona inversa
zone "4.8.a.c." IN { type master; file "ca84.0470.2001"; allow-update { red-local; }; };
Fichero ca84.0470.2001
cat ca84.0470.2001 $ORIGIN . $TTL 600 ; 10 minutes 4.8.a.c. IN SOA vega.luniel.com. hostmaster.luniel.com. ( 284 ; serial 43200 ; refresh (12 hours) 3600 ; retry (1 hour) 1209600 ; expire (2 weeks) 3600 ; minimum (1 hour) ) NS vega.luniel.com. $ORIGIN 4.8.a.c. a.9.e.b. PTR vega.luniel.com.
Verificamos que la zone inversa es correcta
dig axfr 4.8.a.c. ; <<>> DiG 9.10.2-P4 <<>> axfr 4.8.a.c. ;; global options: +cmd 4.8.a.c. 600 IN SOA vega.luniel.com. hostmaster.luniel.com. 284 43200 3600 1209600 3600 4.8.a.c. 600 IN NS vega.luniel.com. a.9.e.b. 600 IN PTR vega.luniel.com. 4.8.a.c. 600 IN SOA vega.luniel.com. hostmaster.luniel.com. 284 43200 3600 1209600 3600 ;; Query time: 0 msec ;; SERVER: 2001:470:ca84::be9a#53(2001:470:ca84::be9a) ;; WHEN: Tue Jan 05 13:40:28 CET 2016 ;; XFR size: 4 records (messages 1, bytes 227)
Comprobamos la resolución inversa
dig -x 2001:470:ca84::be9a +short vega.luniel.com.
Utilizamos el router admertisement for IPv6 /etc/radvd.conf
interface br0 { ## (Send advertisement messages to other hosts) AdvSendAdvert on; ## (Fragmentation is bad(tm)) AdvLinkMTU 1280; MaxRtrAdvInterval 300; AdvManagedFlag on; AdvOtherConfigFlag on; ## (IPv6 subnet prefix we've been assigned by our PoP) prefix 2001:470:ca84::/64 { AdvAutonomous off; }; };
Y le arrancamos
rc-update add radvd default /etc/init.d/radvd start * Enabling IPv6 forwarding ... [ ok ] [Jan 05 14:04:10] radvd (22643): config file, /etc/radvd.conf, syntax ok * Starting IPv6 Router Advertisement Daemon ... [ ok ]
El servidor Dibbler, permite asignar las direcciones IP de forma dinámica.
emerge -av net-misc/dibbler
Editamos el fichero /etc/dibbler/server.conf
script "/data/apps/scripts/dibbler-notify.sh" log-level 8 log-mode full preference 0 ddns-protocol any ddns-timeout 1000 fqdn-ddns-address 2001:470:ca84::be9a iface "br0" { // also ranges can be defines, instead of exact values t1 1800 t2 2700 prefered-lifetime 3600 valid-lifetime 7200 class { pool 2001:470:ca84::2880:1-2001:470:ca84::2880:ff } next-hop 2001:470:ca84::be9a option dns-server 2001:470:ca84::be9a option domain luniel.com option time-zone CET }
- Tunnel broker IPv6 Hurricane Electric
- Hurricane Electric Forum
- Hurricane Electric Video Presentations
- IPv6 router guide
- DHCPv6: Stateful Address Autoconfiguration on Linux (Part 1: radvd)
- IPv6 autoconfiguration with Dibbler (DHCPv6) and radvd
- Dibbler – a portable DHCPv6 User’s guide
--Daniel Simao (Talk) 13:13 3 ene 2016 (CET)